Finshots Recap - The best stories on economics from 2021

Hey there,
As you may already know, we are on a hiatus this week. However, we promised to bring you some of the best articles of the year. And on today's edition, we'll be listing some of our best articles on economics
The Budget Explained in 5 minutes - One of our most popular stories from 2021. This small explainer will probably help you recap all the things the government had in store for us this year.
The Nobel Prize Story 1 - An easy to read explainer on why David Card won the Nobel Prize in economics
The Nobel Prize Story 2 - An easy to read explainer on why Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens also won the Nobel Prize in economics
What is Modern Monetary Theory - A quick explainer on what makes Modern Monetary theory so appealing
A viral economics paper - How one policy researcher is questioning everything we know about inflation
Until next time...